Friday, November 4, 2011

About me

So to tell a little about myself.  I am J. Conrad Nivens.  I'm from Green Bay, WI but I've been living in West Seattle for a few years now and I have made it my home.  I'm currenly attending South Seattle for my Asst in Business.  I don't have a full path carved out but I am going in the direction I like and I plan to be self employed in a few years.  Right now I'm testing the water and looking at possible opprotunities.  I hope this blog may assist me in any efforts I may make to better our area. 


  1. What do you want to do in your self employment specifically? Forgive my observation, but red type is super hard to read, especially for color blind audiences. Consider changing this template - you will not lose anything (posts and such) to do so. :)

  2. I would like to open my own business and sell my art work to. I don't know if I would connect these two together or keep them separate. I think I would keep them separate.
