Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rusty comunity

Iron Oxide (Fe2O3):  In June of 1776 Thomas Jefferson Drafted one of the most known and followed documents of today’s age.  We know it as the Declaration of Independence*.  When this was created we became a free nation, or as I would put it, a fresh iron structure.  On all iron structures there must be a protecting layer or oxidation will take place.  So to protect our nation and its way of life we have created The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and many laws.  This would be like putting WD-40 on our bicycle chain to keep it strong, shiny, and operable.  In King County, the unemployment rate is reported at 8.5% (about 94,050 people)**.  That is unreal to me.  I’ve tried getting a new job in the past few years and it’s tough to get.  In the past 2 years Washington State has seem a 13% tax increase***.  Do you smoke?  The cost of tax on a pack of cigarettes is more than the actual pack!  These are just a few of the things I see as the oxidation, creating rust in our community.  I can’t identify any steps made lately to grease the chain.  Did anyone see what happened with Federal taxes?  I heard they gave the “Rich” a tax break.  I feel as if though our community is getting rusty and if it continues there will be a point when the rust will turn into scrap, and tossed away. 


  1. I completely agree with you about the world turning to rust. I think your blog is a good source of information, for what is going on around us. I also, believe that anytime there are tax cuts, the cuts apply to the wealthy, while the taxes for the working class go up.

  2. I know. How are we ever supposed to get ahead if we are constantly being pulled back.
